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Val Nera waterfalls: a hike suitable for everyone just a stone's throw from Livigno

25 September 20235 minutes read

The hike to the Nera Valley Waterfalls is an easy trek that is perfect for soaking in the spectacular views of the alps, even if you are not an experienced climber

Walk in Val Nera starting from Livigno

The route to the waterfalls has a total elevation gain of 217 meters and climbs gradually along just under 6 kilometers of trails to an elevation of 2,158 meters. It is also suitable for children but it is not possible to complete the trek with a stroller because the road is paved only for the first section

The starting point is the P8 Al Vach parking lot, south of Livigno, just outside the town; from there, you can take the small asphalt road that leads toAlpe Vago, an agritourism that is both a place for refreshments and landmarks to make sure you are on the right path.

sentiero verso alpe vagoThe road leading from the P8 parking lot to Malga Alpe Vago

The trails of the Black Valley

From Alpe Vago, the trail splits in two but don't worry, you don't have to make a choice: this fork is merely the beginning of the loop that will take you to the waterfalls and back again.

You can take one direction and then return to the opposite side of the river.

At this point, you have two options:

  • continue to the right: this path climbs more steeply and is more suitable for those with a trained body or who want to challenge themselves
  • continue left until you come to a bench next to a bare log (a great place to take a souvenir photo) and cross the river using the small wooden bridge not far away: on this side the slope is gentler, suitable for those who are less trained or even just those who want to enjoy a relaxing walk in nature

In both cases the trail is very well marked and if you have any doubts just follow the signs for "Casc'chéda da Val Néira," which really means Cascades of the Black Valley in the local dialect.

The trail is totally immersed in nature, alternating pine forests with pastures and large meadows that in spring and summer are filled with wildflowers. Starting early in the morning, indicatively before 9 a.m., it is also possible to encounter chamois grazing peacefully before the hustle and bustle of tourists begins.

cascata della val neraThe waterfalls of the Black Valley

The waterfalls of the Nera Valley

Continuing along the trail, we finally reach the waterfalls in all their wonder. At certain times of the day, when the sun is in particular positions, small rainbows form around the water, making the atmosphere even more magical.

To get to the base of the falls, it is necessary to cross the river again, this time using a small wooden Tibetan bridge: it is a bit wobbly but absolutely solid and able to hold the weight of the hikers.

Crossing the bridge requires some courage, but more importantly, it is the only way to get to the other side of the river and continue on the stepped path to the top of the falls.

From here, you can either choose to turn back and retrace the trail in reverse or continue walking keeping the river to your right and return to the junction via the opposite bank of the outward journey.

cascata della val neraThe Nera Valley waterfalls and, on the right, the Tibetan bridge

Typical lunch at the Malga Alpe Vago hut

To eat after your walk you can choose to bring a packed lunch and picnic in the meadows among the beautiful pastures that line the trail, or you can stop at the Malga Alpe Vago where you can enjoy typical Valtellina cuisine.

Here you can sample alpine cheeses made right on the premises, and fill your belly and heart with pizzoccheri, a buckwheat pasta topped with cheese, vegetables and lots of butter; sciatt, irregularly shaped cheese pancakes; and the very tasty blueberry tart made with buckwheat flour.

Before heading back, don't forget to stop by the farm shop, where you can buy cheese as a souvenir of a beautiful day in nature or as a gift for those who stayed home.

malga alpe vagoThe Malga Alpe Vago

Trekking to the Nera Valley waterfalls: the right equipment

The one to the Nera Valley waterfalls is a walk that requires no special technical equipment. Before setting off, however, it is necessary to have:

  • Trekking or trail run shoes to avoid the risk of slipping on the dirt road. Boots are not essential but can be useful for children or for those who want to feel more secure in their steps, especially during short passages with more than a few stones on the trail
  • Comfortable clothes worn "onion-style" so you can uncover yourself during passages through meadows where there are no trees to provide shade and so you can add an extra layer if the wind picks up
  • Water bottles with enoughwater because the only refreshment point is Malga Alpe Vago and there are no drinking fountains along the trails
  • Hiking poles
  • Hat, goggles and sunscreen to protect yourself from the summer sun
  • Possible baby carrier backpack if you have a very small child because the bottom is stroller-friendly only in the first section from the parking lot to the farmhouse
  • Conclusion

    A hike in the beautiful setting of the Val Nera represents an experience that goes beyond mere contact with nature. It is a journey of discovery of natural environments and a deep connection with the environment and culture of an area as distinctive as the Valtellina.

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