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The 8 Best Bike Parks in Italy for Downhill MTB

17 September 202416 minutes read

This article is structured as follows:

  1. We have compiled the ranking of the best 8 bike parks in Italy according to Holidoit.
  2. We talk about the 3 most frequented enduro and downhill areas , which could not fail to be mentioned in such a ranking (they do not have lifts, but shuttles are used for ascents).
  3. At the bottom of the article we include a list of other bike parks in Italy, divided by region; we think they are definitely worth going to ride in, however they did not make it into the ranking.

Let's start right away with our ranking of the 8 best bike parks in Italy. If you're looking for the next place to ride MTB, to make it easier for you to choose, we've included some important information for each bike park: logistics, prices, trail features, and some unique things not to miss when you go.

In this article we assume you know what downhill is. If you don't know, we suggest you start with this guide to DH.

Here are our picks.

1. Paganella Bike Park (Andalo, Trentino)

The Paganella Bike Park includes three distinct but nearby and connected areas-Molveno, Andalo, and Fai della Paganella-that differ in the difficulty of the trails. They are ordered from easiest (Molveno) to hardest (Fai), respectively.

Paganella presents itself as the mountain for all tastes: in fact, we find the Brenta Dolomites on one side, with vertiginous walls and less frequented trails, and the Paganella plateau on the other, with milder slopes and numerous ski lifts.

The flow of the Willy Wonka trail at the Paganella Bike Park

  • Prices and logistics

    Very convenient to reach, a 40-minute drive from the nearest highway exit. 34 euro daily bike pass for excellent value for money; the area is highly evolved for all bike-related services (from rentals to repairs).

  • Trails

    The Paganella Bike Park is one of the most democratic: you can find both very easy trails on which to let even the less daredevils experiment, and very "rocky" (rocky) and steep trails, on which even the most disdainful downhill riders will find lines to work on. Given the wide variety between flow and technical trails, with an enduro bike you will be able to have fun everywhere.

  • Don't miss

    In Paganella there is an extensive e-bike recharging system, so why not have an enduro E-MTB experience, serene that at all the landmarks you will find the possibility to recharge. After delivering your bike end the day in the frozen water of Lake Molveno, the cold will be so rejuvenating that you will feel like getting back on the saddle.

Lake Molveno in the Paganella Dolomites

2. Mottolino Bike Park (Livigno, Lombardy)

Livigno is one of Italy's oldest tourist destinations and home to one of Europe's most important bike parks. It covers 12 km from 1,000 to 3,000 meters of elevation gain, with large areas of grassland offering a unique landscape. The mountain that houses the bike park is called "Mottolino Fun Mountain," famous among bikers and skiers alike (in winter it hosts one of the largest snow parks in Italy and Europe).

A rider jumps at the Mottolino Bike Park

  • Prices and logistics

    You get to Livigno from Valtellina, you can choose to go through Switzerland to Val Poschiavo or stay in Italy and go through Bormio. If you have the patience to get there, you won't want to leave (for those coming from far away, we recommend a stay of at least 2-3 days). 34 euro daily bike pass.

  • Trails

    The Mottolino Bike Park is for those who love to jump and for those who would like to learn. Any kind of bike will do, but with the DH bike you can ride all the trails. 3200 km of trails for any type of trail. Mottolino is probably the best maintained bike park. Every day jumps and parabolics are rearranged to always ensure a special experience.

  • Don't miss

    There is an immense biker community that gathers in the summer at Fun Mountain. If you've never jumped on a bike, we recommend some healthy gravity at Mottolino, which is definitely the most famous in Italy for freeride MTB. Below is the link in case you want to book a lesson. On the other hand in case you are already comfortable hanging in the air a bit, you will not be disappointed. You can't leave Mottolino without trying its drops!

3. Pila Bike Park (Pila, Aosta Valley)

It is particularly impressive because it stands in front of the most emblazoned 4,000-meter peaks in the Alps: in fact, you can see Mont Blanc, Grand Combin, Monte Rosa and Matterhorn. Despite its fame due in part to the Downhill World Cup, Pila Bike Park also offers flow descents. The most famous MTB school in the Aosta Valley (and one of the best in Europe!) offers lessons by taking you two days in a row to the bike park in the morning.

A rider descends a flow trail at Pila Bike Park.

  • Prices and logistics

    Probably the most convenient station on the list. From Aosta you take the gondola that takes you to the base of all the other lifts in a quarter of an hour. Great value for money: 27 euro daily bike pass

  • Trails

    With a prevalence of natural trails, the Pila bike park has a lot to offer for different specialties: in fact, in addition to the trails marked for DH biking you can also try a 4-km circuit for cross country biking and an 11-km Pila-Aosta free-ride course.. DH bike recommended.

  • Don't miss

    The Desarpa with its 15km for 2100 mt of downhill elevation gain is a must do route. If you can ride it all the way from the top to the bottom (it's not easy), arriving down you can't help but exclaim a "Wow!"

4. Amiata Bike Park (Castel del Piano (GR), Tuscany)

Mount Amiata is a volcano, which sits isolated between the provinces of Grosseto and Siena, Tuscany. From the summit on clear days you can see the major mountains of central Italy, from Lazio to Abruzzo. Despite being a relatively new bike park (2015) there are already many trails with a good choice of flow, single track and wide sections to interpret

  • Prices and logistics

    The bike park is located 50 km from the nearest highway exit, in the southernmost part of Tuscany. 25 euros for daily bike pass, 30 euros with also shuttle to enduro area.

  • Trails

    Amiata Bike Park is spread over two slopes. The first is that of Castel del Piano where the bike park is developed, more suitable for DH bikes. The Abbadia San Salvatore side, on the other hand, is where there are enduro trails, also on 800 meters of elevation gain.

  • Don't miss

    We recommend you go to Mount Amiata in October, when your thirst for riding is not yet over, and you will enjoy the last turns of the season, without crowds and with a perfect temperature, maintained by the grand beech forests that carpet the mountain. Plus, we are in one of Italy's richest culinary areas, and autumn is mushroom season--that can be enough.

5. Val di Sole Bike Park (Commezzadura, Trentino)

One of the most beautiful valleys in Trentino (and Italy), Val di Sole offers opportunities for all kinds of outdoor activities, but the bike is definitely the best way to maximize fun and exploration. Two little gems are the side valleys of Peio and Rabbi.

It has been a regular stop for the MTB World Cup since 2006. It is a reference point for all enthusiasts: in Val di Sole there are routes really for every type of biker, from the family looking for a soft route to the fierce riders who want to arrive at the end of the day shredded, but satisfied. The parabolics of Commezzadura

  • Prices and logistics

    You arrive in Val di Sole either through Val di Non from Trento or from Valtellina via Passo del Tonale. Set among the most beautiful mountains in our Alps. 33 euros for the daily bike pass.

  • Trails

    There are two bike parks, not very close, but each large enough for an adrenaline-filled day. Beginner trails are mostly at Passo del Tonale with easy flows even for children. If you want to confront international gradients, Commezzadura is the place for you.

  • Not to be missed

    After a busy day of riding there are several opportunities for a well-deserved culinary reward: we recommend eating at theMalga Valpiana farmhouse. It will give you the highest relaxing moment of your vacation.

6. Bardonecchia Bike Park (Bardonecchia, Piedmont)

Bardonecchia is a very accessible and family-friendly mountain, offering guaranteed fun for every target audience. The Bardonecchia bike park is very popular for those coming from Piedmont and northern Italy.

A rider rides around the Bardonecchia bike park.

  • Prices and logistics

    Bardonecchia is located at the top of the Susa Valley in Piedmont; the highway comes directly to the town. 23 euro daily bike pass.

  • Trails

    Divided between Campo Smith and Melezet. The former more quiet and for beginners, the latter more suitable for downhill with fast flows, 40 trails to try with relative difficulty for a total of 400 km of trail.

  • Not to be missed

    We recommend you rent your e-bike and take advantage of the former military roads that very comfortably take you to the top of the mountain without ever getting out of the saddle or stopping pedaling.

7. Abetone Gravity Park (Abetone (PT), Tuscany)

"An old mountain, inhabited by people proud of their isolation" so says the bike park's website. Abetone is a historic ski resort among the oldest in Europe, since 2008 in its summer guise also as a bike park.

Erwin Ronzon, pro Enduro rider, at the Abetone Gravity Park during the championships

  • Prices and logistics

    Abetone is located in the high valleys of the Pistoia mountains, 70 km from Florence, on the border with Emilia Romagna at 1338 meters above sea level. The cost of a daily bike pass at the Abetone Bike Park is €22.

  • Trails

    Don't expect the smoothness of commercial trails, here you need to have some old school mentality to appreciate difficult and mostly natural descents. The recommended bike is definitely the DH bike, however with the new frame geometries you'll enjoy enduro as well.

  • Don't miss

    We recommend going to Abetone during the days of the Italian Championships or Coppa Italia when the hype is through the roof and the Tuscan hospitality will make every moment special.

8. Carosello Mountain Park (Livigno, Lombardy)

Livigno's second bike park, less packed with trails than Mottolino, but just as scenic and sunnier than nearby Mottolino. Well worth a visit!

A Carosello trail flow in Livigno

  • Prices and logistics

    The Carosello mountain is located opposite the Mottolino mountain in Livigno. The cost of the daily bike pass is 37 euros bike.

  • Trails

    It is preferable to ride an enduro bike. 50 km of tracks and nature trails.

  • Don't miss

    Save a day to do the "Tutti Frutti Epic MTB tour" (after you see the short video linked, you'll want to do it)! All 50 km of the trail to be done in one day or less. Requires some training - below is a map of the entire route

Circuit of the Tutti Frutti Epic MTB Tour at Carosello di Livigno

The 3 best areas for Downhill and Enduro MTB in Italy without bike parks

Instead, here are three incredible MTB areas in which to ride mostly enduro bikes. There are also vans that replace the lifts (recommended, in lieu of pedaling every lift).

Finale Ligure (Liguria)

The first MTB races were already organized here in the late 1980s. In '99 the 24-hour races will begin. In Finale you won't find a bike park or lifts, nor protective mattresses on obstacles. Finale is for hardcore enduro riders. Technical trails and natural drops to challenge even the pros. There is a different feel to Finale than the rest of the bike parks, perhaps wilder and more authentic.

  • Prices and logistics

    Finale is 70 km from Genoa, Liguria. Shuttle to the lift starting at 10 euros. Ability to tour 365 days a year (but hot in summer).

  • Trails

    Trails are mostly natural with many technical sections to ride, however looking hard you can also find more flow trails with fast stretches and acrobatic jumps. The end rock is unique; it is super solid and creates driving sections that leave no room for error.

  • Not to be missed

    We recommend Finale in fall or midwinter, when you won't find hordes of tourists but only locals who can advise you (if you can handle the initial Ligurian ruggedness) on the best downhill lines. When after a hard day, sweaty and dusty, you will dive into the sea and then the wow effect is guaranteed.

Massa Marittima (Tuscany)

The Trail Brothers Tuscany community is very active. They tell their story like this, "The idea of this project was born about 5 years ago by a group of friends from different sectors of the MTB world. The common desire was to be able to create and grow the territory and trails of Massa Marittima, an area already world renowned for its beautiful natural beauty, wonderful springs and much more.

Enduro MTB tour on a trail in Massa Marittima.

We started right away designing and building trails, initially trying to connect or extend existing ones, and then moving on to making new ones. Our greatest passion is trail building, we spend many days a year building new trails and improving or maintaining existing ones."

On the following page are meticulously marked all the trails you can do.

  • Pricing and logistics

    Don't be fooled by the name, Massa Marittima is not in the province of Massa Carrara, but is located much further south in the province of Grosseto. There is no fixed shuttle service yet, it is best to contact Trail brothers Tuscany directly.

  • Trails

    The easy trails are not entry level, here you ride with enduros. The terrain seems tailor-made to generate technical and very challenging single tracks.

  • Not to be missed

    theHotel in Massa Vecchia offers all the biker services you need. It has a spectacular pool, the place is not very far from the sea, and you can do trails that go all the way to the beach.

Piombino Promontory (Tuscany)

Last in order, not in beauty. Piombino is an area that is not too big, but very up-and-coming and definitely noteworthy. Trust the folks at Tuscany Bike to explore the area and the Piombino headland. The classic enduro tour is quite challenging, but allows you to tour the entire area in one day.

Enduro tour on the Piombino Promontory with Tuscany Bike

Matteo (the owner) is a young man super passionate about the sport who will make you feel at home...even on the trails!

Matteo Dondiero of Tuscany Bike

List of Bike Parks in Italy (divided by region)

To book a bike park in various regions in Italy there is an online service - eBikeCult talks more about it in this article.


Trentino Alto Adige



Aosta Valley


Emilia Romagna


Erwin Ronzon at the Bike Park in La Thuile, Aosta Valley.

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