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7 MTB routes to do in Livigno: Easy and intermediate

17 September 20248 minutes read

In this article we offer a selection of easy and intermediate MTB routes in Livigno. After renting your MTB or e-bike, you can always pay a visit to the Bike Center, where there are local guides offering suggestions for any type of bike route from Livigno.

Easy MTB trails in Livigno

These trails feature paved or unpaved terrain, generally very comfortable and without major elevation changes. Ideal for families.

1. Livigno bike path

Livigno's bike path

Livigno's bike path is 10 km long and runs through the entire town from Malga Campaccio, a southern area, to the Livigno Dairy, further north. The route is paved with some unpaved sections, mostly flat with few ups and downs. For a complete sensory experience once you arrive at the Livigno Dairy, try the delicious homemade ice cream made with alpine milk.

Trail map and directions

MTB route on the Livigno bike path

General tour information:

  • Departure: Point A - start of the bike path at Alpe Campaccio
  • Length: 10km
  • Duration: 1h flat asphalt road
  • Finish: Point B - Livigno Dairy (Remember the ice cream!).

Variant up to the lake of Livigno

From the Dairy, you can continue along the bike path to Livigno Lake and the Alpisella refreshment stand. Approximately 3km is added.

Bikers' snack.

See the full route map on the bike path.

2. MTB tour of the tees.

The tees are the old Livigno huts: to take the tee tour is to immerse yourself in an ancient mountain culture, far from the hustle and bustle of the stores. The tour seems designed especially for those who want to appreciate the Livigno valley from new vistas.

Livigno's tee tour

Route map and directions

Tour of the Tees in Livigno: complete MTB route

General tour information:

  • Departure: Point A - Pont Lonch
  • Length: 15km
  • Duration: 2.30h / 3.30h
  • Height difference: 250mt
  • Finish: always in Pont Lonch

Start at Pont Lonch (Point A) from where, looking towards Livigno, a wide dirt path starts on the left, following it always without losing the direction the Livigno huts follow one another: tea da Florin, tea da Borch, tea dal Pel, tea da Rin, tea dal Plan, until you descend to the lower valley at the parking lot la Calcheira. Up to here it is 7 km for an hour or two of pedaling with 200 m of elevation gain uphill.

Val Federia variant

From the la Calcheira parking lot (Point 1 on the map) the Val Federia dirt road begins, heading west. An easy route with little ascent about 5 km long.

the Val Federia

Variant loop tour

From the parking lot return toward the village and reach the dairy, from here take Restel street which becomes Pemont street, when it curves to the right take a left to Marangona street and at some garbage cans take a right to Dali Crosceta street, on this road on the downhill section take the dirt road that remains halfway up the hillside for the last section of the Tee loop that will bring you back near the starting point. To conclude the loop count another 8 km, for an hour and a half of pedaling.

See the complete map of the tee loop.

Intermediate MTB routes in Livigno

These trails are mostly on groomed dirt or single track and flow. You need to have riding skills on the trails and basic training to enjoy the descent.

1. Trela Alp

Alpe Trela is a wide green basin with meadows to graze the cows of Malga Trela where we recommend refreshment after the intense effort (recommended dish: taròz). There are several starting alternatives, we recommend the Fraele towers. From there go up to the Cancano lakes skirting them keeping them to your right.

Route map and directions

Tour to Alpe Trela, point 3 is the Black Lake variant

General tour information:

  • Departure: Point A - Torri di Fraele, in Valdidentro (SO), just before Livigno
  • Length: 18km
  • Duration: 2.30h / 3.30h
  • Height difference: 660mt
  • Finish: same as starting point

About halfway through the second lake, you enter the Pettini valley with path N130, which climbs gently until it enters a narrower and rockier part, until the magnificent Alpe Trela opens to view.

Malga Trela

Beyond, the trail continues on a false level to a fork, take a left downhill (N130.1) to Val Vezzola with fabulous meadows and alpine pastures for another 4km or so, until the junction with trail N195 from which with a short stretch on the coast you return to the Fraele towers. In total about 18km for between 2.30 and 3.30 hours.

Black Lake Variant

Black Lake

Passing Malga Trela (point 2 on the map), at the junction after the false floor you can continue right uphill to arrive after a short but steep section at Lago Nero and a little further on to a particularly scenic spot over Livigno. This adds about 4km and a positive elevation gain of 200mt. Return on the same descent.

Technical descent variant

From Malga Trela you can take the N196 trail that on a single track that is more challenging and steep in places takes us to the same junction as above.

See the complete map of the trail at Alpe Trela.

2. Val Viola by MTB

One of Livigno's super-classic tours, with several variations to add (or take away) leg fatigue.

Val Viola MTB routes near Livigno.

The least strenuous option involves starting from the Foscagno Pass, which can be reached by shuttle (you can also start from Livigno-see below).

From here starts a nimble single track with some technical sections in which to slow down, which soon leads to a false-flat dirt road about 4 km long to the entrance of Val Viola. The climb, about 9 km long first up and down single-track and then on dirt road leads to the Viola hut adjacent to the small lake of the same name. Return on the same road for a total of 20km.

Route map and directions

Route to Val Viola from the Foscagno Pass

Point A Foscagno Pass, Point 1 Valley entrance, Point 3 Viola Hut, Point B Poschiavo variant, Point 2 single track variant.

General tour information:

  • Departure: Point A - Foscagno Pass
  • Length: 20km
  • Duration: 2.30h / 3.30h
  • Height difference: 550mt
  • Arrival: same as the starting point (return on the same road)

Variant with departure from Livigno

For the more daring and fatigue lovers, you can start directly from Livigno adding about 9km and 400mt elevation gain for 2h ascent.

Variant with return on single track

MTB in Val Viola in Livigno

From the Viola hut follow the signs to rifugio Federico at the first fork; the trail here is not very rideable, but it leads to the hidden waterfall of Val Viola, a secret gem. From the refuge then continue downhill following the stream until you return to the dirt road and from there to the outward route. Variant that does not lengthen the return by much, but is more strenuous because it is less rideable. Point 2 on the map.

Poschiavo Valley variant.

Passing the Viola hut and continuing to climb for another 2km and 150mt of elevation gain you will reach the pass at the Swiss border, for another 2km of descent you will reach the Swiss Val Viola lakes where you will certainly be alone to enjoy this unspoiled nature. From point 3 to point B on the map. A total of 8km and 300mt of elevation gain is added.

See the complete map of the route in Val Viola and Val Poschiavo.

Descriptions of the following routes can be found at this link.

1. Val Federia

Easy and uncrowded route that will take you to one of the most authentic alpine pastures in the area.

Val Federia route[/caption]

2. Mine Valley

Route among the most beautiful in the area, level between easy and intermediate.

Mine Valley Route

3. Alpisella Valley

Intermediate route that from the Alpisella refreshment house flows into Lake St. James.

Alpisella Valley Route

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